
"Disrupt them!"

- Maxine Greene

“Being a reflexive practitioner is not easy. It requires the willingness to embrace defeat, to recognize the need for growth and help, and to listen to and accept new ideas.”

- Katie Dawson and Daniel Kelin

My Teaching is built upon the rigorous and humbling process of reflexive praxis. I approach each moment of facilitation as an opportunity to explore possibilities with participants, to ask questions and to seek answers in pursuit of evolving understandings. I pose the tenets of my Teaching Philosophy as questions that guide my lifelong practice:

  • How can I co-create learning environments with young people and communities that empower them to claim and apply their expertise in real-world contexts?

  • How can my teaching practice be adaptable and responsive to the wisdom of my participant-collaborators?

  • How do I model empathy, compassion and authenticity?

  • How do I ethically identify and actively decenter my power and privilege to foster just and equitable learning environments?

  • How can I use my teaching practice to advocate for the arts in schools and communities?

May I forever seek but never find the answers.